A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

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FON 36 Spiritual Health - Practice Test with Questions and Answers 1. A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. What is the nurse's best response? 1. It has a minor effect on health. 2. It is awareness of one's inner self. 3. It is not as essential as physical needs. 4. It refers to fire or giving of life to a person.: 2. It is awareness of one's inner self. 2. The nurse is caring for a patient who is an agnostic. Which information should the nurse consider when planning care for this patient? 1. The patient is devoid of spirituality. 2. The patient does not believe in God. 3. The patient believes there is no known ultimate reality. 4. The patient finds no meaning through relationship with others.: 3. The patient believes there is no known ultimate reality. 3. The nurse is caring for an Islam patient who wants a snack. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate? 1. Offers a ham sandwich 2. Offers a beef sandwich 3. Offers a kosher sandwich 4. Offers a bacon sandwich: 2. Offers a beef sandwich 4. A nurse is teaching a patient how to meditate. Which information from the patient indicates effective learning? 1. I will lie on the floor. 2. I will breathe quickly. 3. I will focus on an image. 4. I will do this for 10 minutes every day.: 3. I will focus on an image. 5. The nurse is admitting a patient to the hospital. The patient is a very spiritual person but does not practice any specific religion. How will the nurse interpret this finding? 1. This indicates a st ...
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A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

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A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?



A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?



A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?



A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. what is the nurse’s best response?

Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Chapter 35: Spiritual Health

Potter et al.: Fundamentals of Nursing, 10th Edition


1. A co-worker asks the nurse to explain spirituality. What is the nurse’s best response?

a.It has a minor effect on health.

b.It is awareness of one’s inner self.

c.It is not as essential as physical needs.

d.It refers to fire or giving of life to a person.


Spirituality is often defined as an awareness of one’s inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, to nature, or to some

purpose greater than oneself. Spirituality is an important factor that helps individuals achieve the balance needed to maintain health

and well-being and to cope with illness. Florence Nightingale believed that spirituality was a force that provided energy needed to

promote a healthy hospital environment and that caring for a person’s spiritual needs was just as essential as caring for his or her

physical needs. The word spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritus, which refers to breath or wind. The spirit gives life to a


DIF: Understand (comprehension)

OBJ: Discuss the influence of spirituality on patients’ health practices.

TOP: Teaching/Learning MSC: Management of Care


The nurse is caring for a patient who is professes to being an agnostic. Which information should the nurse consider when planning

care for this patient belief system?

a.The patient is devoid of spirituality.

b.Is certain there is no such entity as God.

c.Believes there is no known ultimate reality.

d.Finds no meaning through relationship with others.


Some people do not believe in the existence of God (atheist), or they believe that there is no known ultimate reality (agnostic).

Nonetheless, spirituality is important regardless of a person’s religious beliefs. Agnostics discover meaning in what they do or how

they live because they find no ultimate meaning for the way things are. They believe that people bring meaning to what they do.

DIF: Understand (comprehension)

OBJ: Discuss the influence of spirituality on patients’ health practices.

TOP: Planning MSC: Management of Care

3. The nurse is caring for an Islamic patient who wants a snack. Offering sandwich is most appropriate?






Islam religion does allow beef. Islam does not allow pork or alcohol. Ham and bacon are pork. Kosher is allowed for Judaism.

DIF: Apply (application)

OBJ: Discuss nursing interventions designed to promote a patient’s spiritual health.

TOP: Implementation MSC: Psychosocial Integrity


A nurse is teaching a patient how to meditate. Which behavior presented by the patient indicates effective learning?

a.Lying on the floor

b.Breathing quickly

c.Focusing on an particular image

d.Engaging for 10 minutes every day


The steps of meditation include sitting in a comfortable position with the back straight; breathe slowly; and focus on a sound,

prayer, or image. Meditation should occur for 10 to 20 minutes twice a day.

DIF: Apply (application)

OBJ: Discuss nursing interventions designed to promote a patient’s spiritual health.

TOP: Teaching/Learning MSC: Psychosocial Integrity

5. The nurse is admitting a patient to the hospital. The patient is a very spiritual person but does not practice any specific religion.

How will the nurse interpret this finding?

a.This indicates a strong religious affiliation.

b.This statement is contradictory.

c.This statement is reasonable.

d.This indicates a lack of hope.


The patient’s statement is reasonable and is not contradictory. Many people tend to use the terms spirituality and religion

interchangeably. Although closely associated, these terms are not synonymous. Religious practices encompass spirituality, but

spirituality does not need to include religious practice. When a person has the attitude of something to live for and look forward to,

hope is present.

DIF: Apply (application)

OBJ: Compare and contrast the concepts of religion and spirituality.

TOP: Assessment MSC: Psychosocial Integrity

How do nurses apply for spirituality?

As you interact, imagine what it's like to be in their shoes and ask God for wisdom to support them in the way they need..
Take Your Cues from the Patient. ... .
Demonstrate a Christ-like Attitude. ... .
Ask the Patient How You Can Support Them Spiritually. ... .
Support Patients Within Their Own Faith Tradition..

What should the nurse include when assessing a patient's spirituality?

When assessing a patient's spirituality, the nurse should inquire about the patient's feelings and views on life, the level of connectedness with the self and others, and the practice of religion.

How could a nurse help patients meet their spiritual needs?

Prayer is one of the spiritual interventions patients request most often. It helps us connect with the spiritual dimension. If your patient asks you to pray, adapt your prayer to the patient's beliefs and needs. Ask “What would you like me to pray for?” Use everyday language, and keep your prayer simple and short.

How can a nurse provide spiritual support?

Spiritual care interventions that specifically address religiosity include praying with or for the patient, reading scripture to or with the patient, and helping the patient perform religious rituals.