At some stage là gì

For instance, in the Port Elizabeth Municipality case,43 the Constitutional Court considered the mediation process at some length in its judgement.

For instance, in the Port Elizabeth Municipality case,43 the Constitutional Court considered the mediation process at some length in its judgement.

En particulier -�comme l'a mis en �vidence un rapport de la

[...] [...] Chambre des Lords�- une seconde chambre, compos�e de d�put�s nationaux, constituerait an unreal solution to some real problems (une solution irr�aliste � des probl�mes r�els).

In particular, as a House of Lords report has regretfully shown, a second Chamber made up of members of national parliaments would be an unreal solution to some real problems'.

L'enfant ou plus exactement le

[...] [...] groupe d'enfants disposait de suffisamment d'espace et de libert� pour imaginer, cr�er, fabriquer, imiter dans tous les domaines de la vie" (Some, 1997, p.25).

The child or, more accurately, the group of children had enough space and freedom to imagine, create, make and imitate in all domains" (Some, 1997, p.25).

In fact for indigenous peoples and local communities, according to some cultural views individual rights may at times need to be waived in favour of community survival.

In fact for indigenous peoples and local communities, according to some cultural views individual rights may at times need to be waived in favour of community survival.

Il a en outre examin� des Model Objection Clauses for Objecting to Inadmissible Reservations to International Treaties (Clauses types d'objection pour objecter � des r�serves irrecevables aux trait�s internationaux) pr�par�es par la d�l�gation de la Su�de, et un document n�erlandais intitul�

[...] [...] Reservations at the Various Stages of the Process of Concluding Treaties (Negotiation, Signature and Ratification) and Post-Ratification Stage (Probl�mes clefs [...] [...]

r�serves aux diff�rentes �tapes de la proc�dure de conclusion des trait�s (n�gociation, signature et ratification) et apr�s la ratification).

It also considered "Model objection clauses for objecting to inadmissible reservations in respect of international treaties", prepared by the delegation of Sweden, and a document


submitted by the Netherlands entitled "Key

[...] issues regarding reservations at the various stages of the process of concluding treaties (negotiation, signature and ratification) and postratification stage".

(66) The Commission doubts at this stage that the aid measures included in the new restructuring plan are compatible with the common market.

(66) The Commission doubts at this stage that the aid measures included in the new restructuring plan are compatible with the common market.

Martin Wolpold-Bosien, Some proposals for a framework legislation at the national level: lessons learned from the perspective of a non-governmental organization �, document pr�sent� � la troisi�me Consultation sur le droit � l'alimentation, tenue � Bonn, du 12 au 14 mars 2001).

Martin Wolpold-Bosein "Some proposals for a framework legislation at the national level: lessons learned from the perspective of a non-governmental organization", paper presented at the Third Consultation on the Right to Food, held in Bonn, Germany, from 12 to 14 March 2001.

Nous avons r�alis� la s�rie Make Some Noise, qui a remport� un franc succ�s.

We made the series Make Some Noise, and it was a resounding success.

Already at this stage the Commission has the basic tools to monitor, such as the Standing Committee for the Food Chain and animal health and the network of Community and national reference laboratories.

Already at this stage the Commission has the basic tools to monitor, such as the Standing Committee for the Food Chain and animal health and the network of Community and national reference laboratories.

L'an dernier, 41,3�% des d�penses

[...] budg�taires globales ont �t� allou�s � l'�conomie nationale, dont 40,8�% de cette some au social et au culturel.

Last year 41.3 per cent of the total state budgetary expenditure was allocated to the national economy and 40.8 per cent of it to social

[...] [...] fields, thereby developing the nation's economy and successfully carrying out the socialist cultural construction.

2) Within the next 5 to 10 years, implement at least some physical measures to reduce the consequences of future tsunamis and to serve as examples for the future.

2) Within the next 5 to 10 years, implement at least some physical measures to reduce the consequences of future tsunamis and to serve as examples for the future.

C'est ce que l'ancien pr�sident

[...] [...] de la R�serve f�d�rale, Alan Greenspan, signalait en juin 2005 : � Although a "bubble" in home prices for the nation as a whole does not appear likely, there do appear to be, at a minimum, signs of froth in some local markets where home prices seem to have risen to unsustainable levels.

Former Federal Reserve Chair Allan Greenspan stated in June 2005: "Although a "bubble" in home prices for the nation as a whole does not appear likely, there do appear to be, at a minimum, signs of froth in some local markets where home prices seem to have risen to unsustainable levels.

Competent authority - Some "best" practices to be found at OECD site (MEMAP) [...]

- relevance to developing countries explored.

Competent authority - Some "best" practices to be found at OECD [...]

site (MEMAP) - relevance to developing countries explored.

At this stage of its analysis, the Commission doubts that such a task can be considered as a service of general economic interest, in particular in the case where the undertaking which is responsible for the pollution and bears the primary responsibility for the management of the liabilities is still operating and active.

At this stage of its analysis, the Commission doubts that such a task can be considered as a service of general economic interest, in particular in the case where the undertaking which is responsible for the pollution and bears the primary responsibility for the management of the liabilities is still operating and active.

Il y a entre autres des menus du St. James Club, un passeport au nom de William R. MacInnes et autres, un exemplaire d'un livret intitul Some 'Iron Gates' of Local Interest, une carte Montr�al, de l'�le J�sus et de l'�le Bizard du Montreal Hunt Club, une s�rie de documents et de cartes ayant trait � la succession d'Alexander Cross (portant plus pr�cis�ment sur la � Ferme Monteith �), des bulletins scolaires appartenant � Margaret F. Cross [...] [...]

et des lettres au sujet du mariage d'Emma MacInnes en 1936.

They include menus from the St. James Club, a passport for William R. MacInnes and others, a copy of the booklet Some 'Iron Gates' of Local Interest, a Montreal Hunt Club map of Montreal, Ile J�sus and Ile Bizard, a series of documents and maps pertaining to the estate of Alexander Cross (more specifically dealing with "Monteith Farm"), school report cards for Margaret F. Cross and letters written about the wedding of Emma MacInnes in 1936.

The Commission at this stage concludes that [...]

the measure involves State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC to Investbx.

The Commission at this stage concludes that [...]

the measure involves State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC to Investbx.

On the other hand the effect of ageing on the age composition comes at much earlier stage and is therefore of much importance for the labour market and the health and long-term care sector.

On the other hand the effect of ageing on the age composition comes at much earlier stage and is therefore of much importance for the labour market and the health and long-term care sector.

A proposal for a recast of the Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings31 will aim at strengthening and specifying some of its requirements (e.g. performance certificates and minimum energy performance requirements for new and existing buildings which undergo major renovation) while taking account of feasibility of implementation by the Member States.

A proposal for a recast of the Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings31 will aim at strengthening and specifying some of its requirements (e.g. performance certificates and minimum energy performance requirements for new and existing buildings which undergo major renovation) while taking account of feasibility of implementation by the Member States.

At this stage the Commission does not have sufficient information at its disposal to verify if the provisions set out in Article 6 have been respected.

At this stage the Commission does not have sufficient information at its disposal to verify if the provisions set out in Article 6 have been respected.

Finally, at the current stage the Authority does not possess sufficiently detailed information to identify the existence of any public service costs.

Finally, at the current stage the Authority does not possess sufficiently detailed information to identify the existence of any public service costs.

Some Thoughts on Price Stability versus Zero Inflation, communication pr�sent�e � un colloque sur l'ind�pendance et [...] [...]

des banques centrales, Universit� Bocconi, Milan, mars.

Paper presented at the conference "Central Bank Independence and Accountability," Universit� Bocconi, Milan, March.

[...] d�but� sa carri�re aux d�buts des ann�es 90 dans un groupe d'acid house revient donc sur le devant de la sc�ne musicale avec ce 4�me album, deux ans apr�s la sortie de son album "Some people have real problems" en 2008.

The singer started her career in the early 90s in a group of acid house. She is now back to the front of the music scene with her fourth album, two years after the release of "Some People Have Real Problems" in 2008.

However, the survey "Living conditions among immigrants" covers some areas regarding immigrants' health situation, and gives the best information on the national level.

However, the survey "Living conditions among immigrants" covers some areas regarding immigrants' health situation, and gives the best information on the national level.

Airstrikes are often followed by the displacement of the civilian population in the area.8 Away from their homes and livelihoods, displaced persons often depend on the charity of relatives, international organizations, or the communities they flee to, some for months at a time.9 This, in turn, has a far-reaching impact on neighboring communities and provinces.

Airstrikes are often followed by the displacement of the civilian population in the area.8 Away from their homes and livelihoods, displaced persons often depend on the charity of relatives, international organizations, or the communities they flee to, some for months at a time.9 This, in turn, has a far-reaching impact on neighboring communities and provinces.

Design pathway to manage the kind of loads/users they carry (flexible standards - in some areas consider parallel pathways)

Design pathway to manage the kind of loads/users they carry (flexible standards - in some areas consider parallel pathways)

(1 ) Since AssetCo is the existing company Northern Rock plc, the Commission can at this stage not exclude that the injection of capital into AssetCo is the implementation of the commitment made by HM Treasury that it will ensure that NR will operate above the minimum capital requirements (this commitment was discussed in paragraph 91 of the opening decision).

(1 ) Since AssetCo is the existing company Northern Rock plc, the Commission can at this stage not exclude that the injection of capital into AssetCo is the implementation of the commitment made by HM Treasury that it will ensure that NR will operate above the minimum capital requirements (this commitment was discussed in paragraph 91 of the opening decision).

As to the number of anomalies and manifest impracticabilities that may confront the demarcation teams, it is impossible to say at this stage.

As to the number of anomalies and manifest impracticabilities that may confront the demarcation teams, it is impossible to say at this stage.

In view of the fact that the Norwegian authorities have not yet decided on how to deal with eventual surplus funding in relation to the above mentioned measures, at the current stage it is difficult to address the question of whether any remaining equity may constitute a capital injection which could have been made by a private investor (under the rules governing the private market investor principle) (1 ).

In view of the fact that the Norwegian authorities have not yet decided on how to deal with eventual surplus funding in relation to the above mentioned measures, at the current stage it is difficult to address the question of whether any remaining equity may constitute a capital injection which could have been made by a private investor (under the rules governing the private market investor principle) (1 ).

Several grounds were cited: (i) the evidence against her should have been presented not just by the police but by four witnesses as required by the Koran; (ii) her initial conviction should have been rendered by a three judge panel, rather than only a single judge; (iii) under Islamic law she should have been permitted to withdraw her confession at any point prior to execution; and (iv) the child of a divorced woman is presumed to have been fathered by her ex-husband, a presumption which only he could refute.25 The alleged father of the baby denied paternity and had been discharged at an early stage on the grounds that the required four witnesses could not be found to testify against him.

Several grounds were cited: (i) the evidence against her should have been presented not just by the police but by four witnesses as required by the Koran; (ii) her initial conviction should have been rendered by a three judge panel, rather than only a single judge; (iii) under Islamic law she should have been permitted to withdraw her confession at any point prior to execution; and (iv) the child of a divorced woman is presumed to have been fathered by her ex-husband, a presumption which only he could refute.25 The alleged father of the baby denied paternity and had been discharged at an early stage on the grounds that the required four witnesses could not be found to testify against him.