old heads là gì - Nghĩa của từ old heads

old heads có nghĩa là

An older person (used disrespectfully). Usually an old head is in denial about age.


Look at that old head trying to get a job at McDonalds!

old heads có nghĩa là

1. Someone who has been in the scene before you or your group. 2. Someone who is still in the scene beyond the 'acceptable' or expected age. Often form cliques of their own and try and school youngin's on how things used to be back in their day. A scene-specific 'senior citizen,' for all intents and purposes, in activities that would kill normal seniors citizens (drug/club/rave scene).


Dude, I just bought some weed off of some 40 something down on the dance floor!
Yeah I know that guy, he's an old head.

old heads có nghĩa là

There comes a time in a man's life, when the run has come to an end. The ride has slowed and it's time to get off. An "Old Head" is the guy who doesn't want to get off the ride just yet and stays for another lap, but that lap isn't what he thought it was going to be. It's different, there are new people, new things and all the shit that was important then, has now changed. An Old Head still won't quit the game, even at this stage, even if he has to adjust to fit in. It's not as fun as it was, not as exciting and his clout slowly starts to fade to vapor and his name becomes a memory, like "you remember that dude..." Once it reaches this stage, an Old Head has two options. Either get out like he should and hang up his boots, or he can stay and become "That Old Guy in the Club". If he stays and becomes The Old Guy In The Club, he is then no longer an Old Head. While an Old Head might be hard to watch, or uncomfortable, it's not the most messed up thing in the world. Each of you will get there and each of you will laugh about it now, with no idea that you'll ever get there, but you will. Sometimes an Old Head might need a kick in the butt for him to wake tf up and know it's time, but don't hate. Part of history dies, each time an Old Head gets out da game.


It's rough bruh, seein' an Old Head like that. Respect.

old heads có nghĩa là

An old person


That old head is crazy!!!

old heads có nghĩa là

An older person who hates today’s generations music and hates on it. They also think there generations music is superior over any other music.


Why is that old head hating on young thug

old heads có nghĩa là

a person in their late 20's and older that when they smoke weed they take two puffs and theyre done. an older pot head = old head


jimmy and his boy paul were smokin when jimmy's older brother came in took two hits and left jimmy and paul just laughed and said "damn old heads"

old heads có nghĩa là

Older person who has/still does smoke weed, usually comes from the 70's drug era. Uses odd terminology such as; grass or trees, loves smoking joints, and is a very odd to smoke with in general.


Yo Matt's dad is such an old head, he freaks me out when we smoke together.

old heads có nghĩa là

an older gentleman who sips lean smokes dat super loud and has sex with many women often all at one time. a true OG whos wise to boot. also means old pothead


person 1: watdafuck som oldass nigga jus smoked a pound of loud, popped a molly, and fucked my bitch person 2: old heads got too much swag. lets hate

old heads có nghĩa là

An old person who hates today's generation of rap music and thinks their generation of rap music is the best type of music to ever exist. They will constantly bash new generation rappers labeling them as mumble rappers and when you fight back saying "everyone has their own taste, what if I didn't like your generation" they get all defensive and lose their temper.


(Old Head walks up to a group of teens blasting Migos through their speakers)
Old Head: "Turn that shit off! Their lyrics make no sense and it hurts my ears!"
Teen 1: "Sorry, you old virgin, but kids like us actually get invited to parties."
Old Head: "In my day of hip-hop music, lyrics made sense! Goddammit, now we have gay mumble rappers like Lil Uzi Vert and Young Thug wearing dresses and making godawful music!"
Teen 2: "Your parents probably hated your music while you were growing up, they were probably the type to say '2pac and Biggie are BAD role models!' or something. And bro, Uzi and Thugger got their own fashion statements. Once again, I bet when you were our age watching rap music videos your mom would be like: 'Why does everyone dress like a gangster? It's sick!'"
Teen 3: "Yo, calm down. We didn't wanna fuck you up for dissing Migos. Why so defensive? Besides, he didn't even diss 2pac and Biggie, he just said your parents probably didn't like them which was true. And 2pac and Biggie did not pave the way for our generation, Lil Wayne did. Let's bounce, I can't with these old heads."

old heads có nghĩa là

In NBA 2K, an older person who typically dresses there my player in a snapback, and is most commonly a slasher build.


This old head thinks he’s good SMH.