jork là gì - Nghĩa của từ jork

jork có nghĩa là

A male asshole who thinks he is superior to all others. In addition a jork usually enjoys eating gyros, getting crunk, going to tacco bell, eating beef jerky, and doing mean things to other people and then laugh at them. Jorks usually don't have a very high intelligence.

Ví dụ

Francis works at the concession stand at the local movie theater. Sometimes he won't give popcorn to people he doesn't like, what a jork.

jork có nghĩa là

a combination of a jerk and dork. usually used as a counter-insult to "you're a jerk!"

Ví dụ

Francis works at the concession stand at the local movie theater. Sometimes he won't give popcorn to people he doesn't like, what a jork.

jork có nghĩa là

a combination of a jerk and dork. usually used as a counter-insult to "you're a jerk!"

Ví dụ

Francis works at the concession stand at the local movie theater. Sometimes he won't give popcorn to people he doesn't like, what a jork.

jork có nghĩa là

a combination of a jerk and dork. usually used as a counter-insult to "you're a jerk!"

Ví dụ

Francis works at the concession stand at the local movie theater. Sometimes he won't give popcorn to people he doesn't like, what a jork. a combination of a jerk and dork. usually used as a counter-insult to "you're a jerk!" "cà trớn!" "jork!" Jork, shortened slang for Japanese or Korean. Oh my god, I really need a jork girlfriend. Slang term used for an abnormally large penis or massive bellend. Hey check out his JORK! Its HUGE!

jork có nghĩa là

Tender pork. Pork that is tender.

Ví dụ

He is just a stupid Jork!

jork có nghĩa là

this word help ya'll when ya'll bullied kids want to do a good word defense that they probably wont understand, this word means jock and jerk and it becomes jork. this also helps most of you when you want to be mad at your friend and insults them but you dont want them to know what you say, because it also means jerk in a language we created.

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Jord Keena is a reet Jork! Excuse me, i can see your JORK pointing at me! it just poked me in the eye! Tender pork. Pork that is tender. Pass the jork! Jork the passage! this word help ya'll when ya'll bullied kids want to do a good word defense that they probably wont understand, this word means jock and jerk and it becomes jork. this also helps most of you when you want to be mad at your friend and insults them but you dont want them to know what you say, because it also means jerk in a language we created. *bullying scenario
jock: you are so stupid *pushes you
you: jork
jock: what did you just say
you: jork
jock: ehhh i dont know what that means *leaves you
you: *swag
you: *in your head thanks jork *a fight scenario with your bestfriend

jork có nghĩa là

bestfriend: you are so annoying

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you: well you are a jork

jork có nghĩa là

bestfriend: what?

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you: nothing, i mean not a word you would understand anyways jork = jock + jerk/ jork =another word of jerk...

jork có nghĩa là

A rude, crude, and nerdy chode.

Ví dụ

Matt Saxon is the jigga jork Jork; cross between a dork and a jerk Dan; "Brandon, you are such a Jork."

jork có nghĩa là

Jorke is a commonly used word by persian alter ego's meaning Jerk, asshole, or not nice person

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Brandon; "Dan, please kill yourself."