Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tập 2 - Unit 9

Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tập 2 - Unit 9

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This project aims to encourage Ss to do more research about the capitals in English speaking countries, to explore them and find out as much as possible about their culture, their historic and natural beauty… This means they can research whatever they are interested in and think can attract people.

Divide Ss into groups of four or five and instruct them on what they have to do. Encourage them to think creatively and daringly. Tell them to keep in mind who this poster is for. These can help decide:

- which attractions you would include in your poster.

- what information about the attraction you would introduce.

- which picture you would use for your poster.

- the design for your poster.

Have Ss present their poster in the next lesson. When all the groups have given their presentations, the whole class can vote for the best

Step 1: Have Ss watch the video clip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMldv_WmlSQ&ab_channel=RatekutTravel) and note down the ten tourist attractions of Canberra, the capital city of Australia and the activities we can do there.

Suggested answer:

  1. Australian War Memorial (seeing a shrine, a world-class museum and an extensive archive)
  2. New Parliament House (visiting Australian Parliament building)
  3. Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House; learning more about Australian democracy)
  4. Lake Burley (rowing, sailing, kayaking, fishing)
  5. National Gallery of Australia (seeing World class arts and exhibitions)
  6. Questacon Science Centre (enjoying fun, educational, interactive science and technology experience)
  7. National Portrait Gallery (getting information about history, culture, places and societies)
  8. National Library of Australia (learning about Australian books, manuscripts, newspapers, historic documents, pictures)
  9. Mount Ainslie Lookout (walking, cycling, enjoying impressive scenery, sunrise and sunset..)
  10. Australian National Botanic Gardens (seeing a scientific collection of native plants from all parts of Australia)

Step 2: Introduce the project. Tell Ss that they will work in groups to do more research about the capitals in English speaking countries, to explore them and find out as much as possible about their culture, their historic and natural beauty…

Step 3: Divide Ss into groups of four or five and instruct them on what they have to do. Encourage them to think
creatively and daringly. Tell them to keep in mind who this poster is for. These can help decide:
- Which attractions they would include in their poster.
- What information about the attraction they would introduce.
- Which picture they would use for their poster.
- The design for their poster

Step 4: Give each group a big-size sheet of paper. Groups find information and design their poster. This step can be done at home because there may be not enough time in class for the project.

Step 5: Invite groups to present their poster. When all the groups have given their presentations, the whole class can vote for the best. 

NOTES for teachers when carrying out projects

- You can divide the class into some groups from the beginning of the school year. Groups can be assigned to do some projects not all. For example, one group can do 2 projects per semester. 

- You should draw Ss’ attention to the project early in the unit. At the end of the Getting started lesson, groups can be notified of the project in the unit. This way, they can have more time to prepare for the project.

- If you have spare periods in the afternoon, you can follow all the suggested steps in this material in the class. If you don’t, try to follow steps from 1 to 3. Steps 4 can be done at home.  In this case, remember to tell groups that they need a group leader to monitor the participation of each group member and assign who will do what. Step 5 can be done in the next lesson.

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Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tập 2 - Unit 9

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1 Match the words with the definitions.

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4. Have each group write a description of their visit. The description should include: the name of the activity, the time they do it, and what it involves. If possible, give each group a big piece of paper to write their answers. Ask the two quickest groups to present their answers. Other groups and T give comments. Give marks to the groups. Other groups complete their writing as homework and bring it back in the next lesson.

     Sample writing:

   This is the schedule for our group’s two-day visit to Washington D.C. On the first day we plan to go to the White House early at 8 o’clock. This way, we avoid the crowds. Then we get on a Hop-on Hop-off trolley, which rides around the city. We do some shopping and go for a nice lunch. Then we see some of the sights of the city. On the second day, we take the 8.30 shuttle bus to the canoe club to join a canoe trip along the C&O canal. This canal is famous for its beautiful scenery, especially in autumn. The trip takes about three hours. In the afternoon, we visit the National Children’s Museum. The brochure says that this museum offers children a lot of fun activities where they can learn through playing.

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Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tập 2 - Unit 9

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3a Choose four activities from the list that you would like to do in a two-day visit to Washington D.C., the capital of the USA.

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2. Give Ss some time to read the events. Check if they know the meaning of the words illusion’  (something that appears to be there but is not) and 3-D hologram(three-dimensional image). Ss then listen to the recording again, as many times as needed if time allows, and choose the correct answers.  T checks the answers as a class.

      Key:       1. B                       2. C                     3. C                      4. B                5. A

      Audio script:

Good morning. I hope you all had a good sleep. We are now heading for Wanaka. We arrive at the first destination, Puzzling World at 9.30. The first puzzling thing which welcomes you is the Leaning Tower. When you get inside the spacious café, you will find yourself among various wooden puzzles and games. The Illusion Room is a must-see as there’s nothing else like it in the world. Puzzling World is possibly the most photographed attraction in New Zealand.

At 12.30 we leave for Lake Wanaka, New Zealand’s fourth largest lake. This natural paradisehas something for everyone. Adventure lovers may follow the biking and walking tracks through the park. Relaxation seekers may stay by the lake, taking a boat ride, or just sitting and watching its changing beauty. We meet up at 4 o’clock and the bus leaves at exactly 4.15. I hope…

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1 Listen and fill in the time for the schedule of events.

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5. Have Ss work in small groups. Ask them to look through the interesting facts, and discuss if there is any piece of information they are not clear about. Check as a class to make sure that the information is understood correctly. Only then can Ss start working on preparation for their presentation. Tell them that they can add some facts they know, or delete some facts they do not like from the provided notes. Then call on some groups to present. The class may then vote for the best presentation.

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4. Give Ss a minute to think about the thing they like most about Scotland, and prepare their reasons. They then work in pairs, asking and answering about their choice. If time allows, call on some pairs to share their choice with the class. Encourage Ss to come up with more questions about Scotland.

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Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tập 2 - Unit 9

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5. Ss do this exercise independently. Encourage them to be imaginative. Walk around and help Ss with new vocabulary. Ss can exchange and talk about their schedule with a partner first. Once they have done this, ask them to write down the sentences. Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their sentences. Ss can use the sentences in 4 as a model. If time allows, let them share with the class. Otherwise, T may set the writing for homework.

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4 Use the verbs in the box in their correct forms to complete the sentences describing other activities in 3a.

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1 class=index-number>

1 ng-bind-html=((sentence.index_number) + '.') | to_trusted class=index-number index-number-auto>