Send ctrl-alt+del Microsoft Remote Desktop mac

You may want to learn how to CTRL+ALT+Delete in Remote Desktop if you want to change a password, lock the RDP screen, or log off. The CTRL+ALT+Delete keystroke won’t work though since your own operating system utilizes it. So, what is a poor tech who needs to access that screen to do when remoted in via a Remote Desktop session?

Method 1

  • In RDP, the “CTRL” + “ALT” + “End” combination will work.

If you have trouble finding the “End” key, it is normally located to the right of the “Enter” key. If you’re using a small keyboard on a laptop, you may have to hold down a function key to utilize it.

Send ctrl-alt+del Microsoft Remote Desktop mac

The key combination will also work in older Terminal Server sessions.

Method 2

  1. On the Remote Desktop, select “Start“.
  2. Type “osk“, then open the “On Screen Keyboard“.
  3. Press “Ctrl” and “Alt” on the physical keyboard, then select“Del” on the osk window.

Other Solutions

It should be noted that you aren’t limited to using this key combination if you want to do any of the options available on this screen. Here are some other options:

  • To change your password, you could go to “Control Panel” > “User Accounts” > “Change your windows password“. In Windows 10, 7, 8, 2008, 2012, 2016, and Vista, you can simply select “Start” and type “change password” to access the option.
  • To access Task Manager, you could right-click the time on the taskbar and select Task Manager.
  • You can usually log off by selecting “Start” > “Log off“.
  • To lock the computer, you can create an icon.

A Dialog Appears Saying “click your user tile”

Sometimes when you attempt to use CTRL + ALT + delete in Remote Destop with the On-Screen Keyboard, you will receive a message that says:

To use the commands available when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, click your user tile and choose an option.

The only problem is, there is no “user tile”, or clear way out of this problem.

In this case, method 2 should work. Press and hold CTRL + ALT on your physical keyboard, then click “Del” on the On-Screen Keyboard.

Have any better shortcuts for these options in an RDP session? Please share them in the Comments section.

I have Macbook with Windows 7 installed and connected to Windows 2012 server with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection. How can I run Ctrl + Alt + Delete on Windows 2012 Server?

Thanks in advance.


Home > Actions > Ctrl+Alt+Del


You can send the Ctrl+Alt+Del command to a remote Windows computer to view the options for locking the computer, launching the task manager, signing off the current user profile etc. On a remote Mac, sending the Ctrl+Alt+Del command will open the Force Quit Applications window.

To give the command, from the application menu, go to Actions -> Ctrl+Alt+Del


Send ctrl-alt+del Microsoft Remote Desktop mac

The Force Quit options are displayed.


TL;DR: press: fn + ctrl + option + delete

In my current company coworkers need to change their password every 6 Months. Which does not improve the security of the company but it's still there. The problem: Our developer computers are in a complete independent network, to access our company network we can only use a VPN and a remote desktop client to a virtual Windows machine. Problem is i recently got a mac and needed to change my password in the remote desktop session, but every settings ui is currently blocked. Therefore i needed to press ctrl + alt + del to access the password change ui. But my mac keyboard does not have a dedicated delete button. The solution:

fn + ctrl + option + delete

Send ctrl-alt+del Microsoft Remote Desktop mac

must be used instead.

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Closed 2 months ago.

I am trying to log into my PC at work from my Mac. It requires Control + Alt + Delete key combination to login.

How do I do it from my Mac?



If you are using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection to access a windows (virtual) machine, you should use the following keys: Fn + Ctrl + Opt + Delete
(function-control-option-delete), also as shown in the picture below:

Send ctrl-alt+del Microsoft Remote Desktop mac

Best Regards,

Alvin Wang

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