Which diagnostic test would verify the diagnosis of macular degeneration?

Last week we blogged about Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and reviewed the symptoms as well as who is at risk for this vision stealing disease.  This week our blog is about tools doctors use to diagnose AMD as well as how they treat the different stages of AMD.  The National Eye Institute provides a wealth of information.

The following briefly describes how doctors determine if AMD is present in their patients:

  • Visual acuity test.  This is a measurement of how well one sees at distances by using the eye chart.
  • Dilated eye exam.  Drops are placed in the patient’s eyes that cause the pupils to dilate.  At that time the doctor can see better into the retina and optic nerve for signs of AMD or other eye disease.
  • Amsler grid.  This is a grid printed on paper or a magnet (that can be placed on your refrigerator) and is given to the patient to take home as a tool to track quality of vision at home.  Since AMD affects the central vision, the grid will show symptoms of AMD if the center of the grid appears wavy or absent.
  • Fluorescein angiogram.  The ophthalmologist performs this test.  A fluorescent dye is injected into patient’s arm and pictures are taken as the dye passes through the blood vessels in the eye.  This test can allow the doctor to see if there are any leaking blood vessels.
  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).  Instead of using ultrasound which uses sound waves to capture images, with an OCT light waves are used and this is a painless, easy test.  The patient puts their chin on a chin rest (after eyes are dilated) and the patient must be still for only a few seconds.  A light beam captures pictures that can be printed.

What does the doctor look for – beneath the retina - when using these diagnostic tests?

The presence of yellow deposits called drusen can be a telltale sign of AMD, depending on the amount.  Small drusen are normal to see but medium to large may be a sign of AMD.

Pigmentary changes that occur may be a sign.  Dark clumps of pigment and eventually less pigment give the doctor more clues.

NEI tells us that it could take about 10 years to develop late AMD but not everyone with AMD will advance to the late stage.  We are also advised that if you have AMD in one eye, you may still function well for driving, reading and other fine detailed activities with one healthy eye.  As in all things medical, the sooner one is diagnosed the better the outcome due to the opportunity for early treatment.

In another blog we will cover the stages of AMD – Early, Intermediate and Late, plus Advanced as well as treatments used.

The information covered in this blog is credited to the following link: https://nei.nih.gov/health/maculardegen/armd_facts

If you’re having vision problems or have been diagnosed with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), your doctor may recommend testing to see if you have the wet form of AMD.

Your macula is part of the retina at the back of your eye. It allows you to see things directly in front of you -- which is your central or “straight ahead” vision -- as well as color and fine details.

With wet AMD, abnormal blood vessels grow under the macula and leak blood and fluid. That leaking can damage the macula and cause vision problems. That’s why your doctor may recommend you get tested for wet AMD if you have noticed that your vision is hazy or objects look skewed or curved (for example, if a straight line looks wavy to you).     

Though these vision problems are signs of wet AMD, they can also be signs of other eye conditions. So you’ll need to see your eye doctor to know if you have it.

How Is Wet AMD Diagnosed?

First, your eye doctor (an ophthalmologist or optometrist) will talk to you about your health history, including any vision problems you have, and ask you about your family’s health history. Then your doctor will do a complete eye exam, which may include:

  • A visual acuity test, which uses an eye chart to check how clearly you see at different distances.
  • A refraction assessment. You’ll look through a series of lenses to determine what type of glasses, contact lenses, or surgery might improve your vision. 
  • Glaucoma screening, which measures the fluid pressure inside your eye.

Your eye doctor will also do other tests used to diagnose wet and dry AMD. They also may refer you to a doctor who is a retina specialist. Tests include: 

A retina exam, which lets your doctor check the retina at the back of your eye. You’ll get eye drops to widen (dilate) your pupils. Your eye doctor will then use a special magnifying lens to look at your optic nerve and retina to see if there’s blood, fluid, and evidence of drusen. (Drusen are yellow spots that often form under the retina.) These are all signs of AMD.

A central grid test to check for problems in the center of your vision. Your eye doctor will use an Amsler grid, which is checkered and may have a dot located on it. For example, if you have wet AMD, you may see curved, distorted, or missing lines or blocks when you look at the center of the Amsler grid. If you have problems with your central vision, which is a sign of wet AMD, lines may also disappear or look wavy.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT). This is the most common imaging test. It lets your eye doctor see detailed cross sections of your retina. Your eye doctor will check for thinning, thickening, swelling in the retina, pigment changes, and drusen -- all of which can be signs of AMD. Your eye doctor can also use OCT to help decide if your retina will respond to treatment for AMD. OCT uses light waves to create high-resolution images of your tissues. Your eye doctor may dilate your eyes, then place your head on a chin rest while a machine beams a light into your eye to capture images of your retina. OCT isn’t painful.

A fluorescein angiogram. With this test, your eye doctor injects fluorescent dye into your arm, which shows leaking blood vessels in your eyes or other changes to your retina that may be a sign of advanced AMD. Since this test can sometimes cause complications, like nausea or an allergic reaction, your doctor may not do it during your regular eye exam. Instead, you may need to schedule a separate appointment. 

Indocyanine green angiography. This test is rarely used. It involves injecting dye into your vein. It’s often used to spot abnormal blood vessels that are deep in your retina and to confirm the results of fluorescein angiogram.

Usually, testing for wet AMD and other eye problems involves one or more appointments that may each take several hours. In many cases, your doctor will be able to make a diagnosis soon after testing. Ask your eye doctor about what to expect and whether you’ll need someone to drive you home from your appointment or how long you’ll need to rest your eyes after dilation.

Show Sources


National Eye Institute: “Facts About Age-Related Macular Degeneration,” “What the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies Mean for You.”

Andrea Thau, OD, associate clinical professor emerita, SUNY State College of Optometry; past president, American Optometric Association.

What are the three most common ways to diagnose macular degeneration?

How is age-related macular degeneration diagnosed?.
Visual field test: An Amsler grid has a grid of straight lines with a large dot in the center. ... .
Dilated eye exam: Eye drops dilate, or widen, your pupils. ... .
Fluorescein angiography: Your healthcare provider injects a yellow dye called fluorescein into a vein in your arm..

What is OCT test for macular degeneration?

An optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan uses reflected light beams to create a detailed image of the inside of your eye. This test is used to check for a wide range of conditions that affect your retina and macula, including macular degeneration. An OCT scan is noninvasive and only takes about 5 or 10 minutes.

Can a blood test detect macular degeneration?

Patients with any stage of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) carry signs of the disease in their blood that may be found through special laboratory tests, according to a new study.

What diagnostic tests are used to diagnose or evaluate eye disorders?

Diagnostic Tests.
Color Vision Test (Farnworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test (FM-100)) ... .
Computerized Optic Disc Imaging and Nerve Fiber Layer Analysis (GDX, HRT, OCT) ... .
Corneal Topography. ... .
Electro-Diagnostic Testing. ... .
Fluorescein Angiography. ... .
Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT).