How do you unlock the secret mission in Wings of Liberty?

Asked 12 years, 3 months ago

Viewed 18k times

How do I reach the secret mission in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty?

asked Aug 14, 2010 at 22:51

In the Media Blitz mission, in the lower right area of the map (by the mineral fields), you will see a semi-hidden path. Go to the end and destroy the Science Facility building at the end of this path. You should pick up some secret documents that will give you the secret mission. This mission must be played while you're still on the Hyperion.

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 23:16


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Check out this video:

answered Aug 15, 2010 at 9:30


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Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC)

Secret level how do i get it?

  1. I beat the campaign already and did the media blitz and got the secret but it doens't show up on my list. Do i need to start a new campaign? also its says i have 25/26 levels completed but i counted 28 levels

Top Voted Answer

  1. There are 29 missions total, with 26 being playable on any one run through of the game, the last three being closed off due to being one of the 'moral choice' missions. The last three however can still be accessed at the mission replay console on the Bridge of The Hyperion and you can play them for achievements, though you will not get Credits or Research Points for their completion. To access the Secret level you must destroy a building in the bottom right corner of the map during the final (second to last if you count the secret mission) Matt Horner mission "Media Blitz". The building is a bulky red structure and if you mouse over it, it will be labeled as "Korhal Civilians". After the building is destroyed you must send a ground unit to pick up the item entitled "Secret Documents" that comes out. This must be done the first time you play the mission as if you attempt to do it from the replay terminal you will not be able to get the Secret Documents and will have to replay the campaign or reload a previous save from before you completed the mission to be able to get the documents.

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  1. there are 29 Missions total because of the 3 Plot Branchings in the game. You can beat 26 missions in a single campaign run if you do the secret mission. you need to pick up the secret files on the first time to open up the secret mission.

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  2. You need to do this unlock before you go to the Char missions. If you already are at those missions or you finished the campaign, you have to load the game to the last mission before Char. You can replay the mission and obtain the secret files anytime before starting the Char missions and it will still show up on your star map.

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  3. Ok, fine you need the secret files to get the secret mission before you get to Char. But you left out where you get the secret files? Like mission name, where on map acquire files, etc.

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  4. On the 'Media Blitz' mission, go to the bottom right corner of the map and destroy the building there, pick up the secret documents and finish the mission. This can not be done once you have gone to char and you can not go back and do it without starting a new campaign

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